Institute of Evangelism

Great Commission passages will make work easier. It is all about equipping students with what they need to do the work of God, which is to win souls for Christ. It is the number one job of a child of God.


To Educate Evangelists who will be able to train people to be witnesses telling people everywhere about our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.



Any person, irrespective of the level of education, and who is interested in the certificate of Evangelism.



The bachelor’s program in Evangelism will require a minimum of High School education for admission.



Applicants must hold at least a bachelor’s degree in any discipline.The program duration is a minimum of 2 years.

Jesus Is Lord Institute of Evangelism

The brochure will illuminate important aspects of the syllabi of the certificate, bachelor’s, and doctoral programs of Jesus Is Lord Institute of Evangelism.

Evangelism In Churches

Christians are expected to engage in Evangelism and should be able to present an Evangelism Report to their respective congregations. The work of God is to obey the commandments of God and embrace the Great Commission as a means of growing the Kingdom of God; the more people that accept Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior, the greater the size of the Kingdom of God.
Jesus took His job on earth very seriously. He told His disciples, “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent Me, and from finishing His work.” (John 4:34). Jesus also said, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I too AM working.” (John 5:17).
Do you know that you are not working if you ignore Evangelism? People need to be told about Jesus and His saving power before they can accept Him as the Lord of their life. How could they believe if no one preaches to them? They need to know what to believe in before they believe.

Jesus Is Lord Institute of Evangelism works to promote Evangelism through training in basic Evangelism and through research.

Salvation Books

By Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro

Salvation books

Jesus Christ and the Power in his Name and Blood

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: Jesus Christ came and gave us the understanding that we can know Him as the True God. We now live in fellowship with Jesus Christ who is the True God. The blood of Jesus is central, not only to our salvation but also for sustaining meaningful life here on earth. It is the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses and makes it possible for our body to become the temple of the Holy Spirit. The life, which the blood of Jesus gives to His believers is so abundant that it satisfies the needs of the present life and launches us into everlasting life with Him. Every knee must bow at the Name of Jesus. The Name of our Savior Jesus Christ is a fortified tower; the righteous run to Him and are safe. Many people in the present world are wasting their lives worshiping false gods – demons. To be covered by the blood of Jesus is to be hidden in our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ our LORD we live and move and have our being.
Salvation Books


Any Person, Irrespective Of
The Level Of Education

Education will involve Theoretical and Practical Evangelism in personalized Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and Ends of the Earth.

Any person, irrespective of the level of education, and who is interested in the certificate of Evangelism program will be admitted for the three-week training program.

No Tuition Fees will be Paid For The Training

The bachelor’s program in Evangelism will require a minimum of High School education for admission. The Bachelor’s degree program will be 3 years in duration. No tuition fees will be paid for the bachelor’s program; however, an admission fee of $900.00 will be required of admitted students.
Applicants must hold at least a bachelor’s degree in any Discipline.
The bachelor’s program in Evangelism


Doctoral Program
In Evangelism

To Educate Evangelists who will be able to train people to be witnesses telling people everywhere about our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

The bachelor’s program in Evangelism will require a minimum of High School education for admission. The Bachelor’s degree program will be 3 years in duration.

The program duration is a minimum of 2 years.

No tuition fees will be paid for the doctoral program; however, an admission fee of $1000.00 will be required of applicants.

Jesus Is Lord Institute Of Evangelism
The bachelor’s program in Evangelism will require a minimum of High School education for admission. The Bachelor’s degree program will be 3 years in duration.