Good News

Who Is Jesus Christ?

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Evagelism Quotes

Jesus Came From Heaven

An Understanding of the Bread of Life

Jesus said that He is the bread of life. Anyone who eats the bread of life will never die. The bread of life is a living bread from heaven. Anyone who eats the bread of life will live forever. The bread of life is the flesh of Jesus, which He has offered so that the world may live. This means that the bread of life generates eternal life, and it is in fact eternal life. The implication is that an understanding of the bread of life would increase with spiritual insight.
The Two Types of Bread
Jesus had just fed a crowd of over five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish; twelve baskets of pieces of bread were leftover. People were amazed and identified Jesus as the Prophet they had been expecting. (John 6:8-15). Jesus escaped from the crowd because they wanted to make Him king. They continued to search for Jesus until they saw Him the next day. Jesus remarked that they wanted to be with Him because He fed them, not because they understood the miraculous signs He performed. Jesus said that people should not be so concerned about perishable things like food. People should spend their energy seeking the eternal life that only Jesus can give them. Moses had given them bread from heaven; the bread/manna, which Moses gave to them was from God. (Exodus 16:4). The true bread of God is Jesus Christ who came from heaven. (John 6:33).
The True Bread
Jesus said that He is the bread of life. (John 6:35). Jesus equated Himself with bread to indicate that He is essential for life. (Got Questions, 2021). Jesus Christ is the true bread. Unless we eat the flesh of Jesus Christ and drink His blood, we cannot have eternal life. (John 6:53-54). The flesh of Jesus is the bread of life. Jesus is the true bread that came down from heaven; anyone who eats this bread will not die but will live forever. (John 6:58). Jesus Christ is the only true God, and He is eternal life. (1 John 5:20, John 1:18). According to Mary Fairchild (2020), when we put our faith in Jesus Christ, He gives us spiritual bread that will generate eternal life.