Salvation Books

Hallelujah Great Commission Bible Study

Hallelujah Great Commission Bible Study

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: Hallelujah Great Commission Bible Study presents a study of the Good News about Jesus Christ for life enrichment and fulfillment. The New Life person is a responder to the Great Commission. The book is presented in such a way that the message of salvation is harvested by participants without waste of time. The blessings are always there for you; it would not matter whether you are alone or in a group during the Bible study. You are guided to the responses, and you are given the opportunity for a personal analysis of your understanding of the Gospel message. The scholastic nature of the study will open areas of engagement for Holy Spirit’ guidance of your understanding and interpretation. You will appreciate the systematic presentation of each text – as it does not allow lapses in your embrace of the Good News about Jesus Christ.

The Role of American Freedom in the Present us Political Situation

By: Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: In the excellence of the American freedom, the nation has recently been experiencing strange political situation previously unheard of in the United States of America. The hard work done by the founding fathers based on “In God We Trust” could not be trashed by political upheaval. The American freedom is not a one-man show; all Americans are involved as a daily routine in its sustenance. Politically, America is a country in which democracy is a feature of the American freedom. People exercise their right to vote as an aspect of the American freedom. It can, therefore, be considered that Satan – the enemy of the people of God is making his diabolic attempts to destroy the practice of democracy, which characterizes the American freedom. It has been exposed that the claimed denial of the result the 2020 presidential election was a joke that developed into enemy attempt to mess with the freedom-based American democracy.
The Role of American Freedom in the Present us Political Situation
Cheating in Marriage

Cheating in Marriage

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: Cheating is synonymous with adultery. Cheating is an affront to marital love and cordial spousal relationship. Cheating is a tool of the devil against marriage. The purpose of the devil in cheating is to attack the trinitarian image of marriage and destroy it. You start a relationship because, two are better than one in dealing with many human problems. This requires trust and integrity. You talk the talk, and you walk the walk. Two must agree before they can work/walk together. You see something good in someone, and the other person sees something good in you; you join in marriage. The presence of God in marriage creates its trinitarian image; the devil wants to get God out of marriage, so that he can have the freedom to destroy it. Cheating becomes the tool of the devil in his diabolic attempt to destroy marriage. Despite the desperate and serious situation, which the cheater has placed himself/herself, he/she would need to get out of the hole by confessing his/her cheating sin and stop cheating; accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; and receive a New Life from the Holy Spirit. You will read the various aspects and consequences of cheating in marriage.

The Mystery of Incarnation Visits from Heaven to Earth

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: The strange thing about incarnation is that the visitor continues to remain in Heaven after arrival on earth. The mystery of the incarnation visits of God, and the incarnation visit of Prophet Elijah as John the Baptist were explored. Prophet Elijah, who is in Heaven, incarnated to be John the Baptist here on earth. Melchizedek was presented as an incarnation visitor to earth. It was discovered through the examination of similarities, that Melchizedek is Jesus Christ. This discovery was made possible through a comparison of Jesus Christ with Melchizedek. Convincingly, it was concluded that: Jesus Christ is a One-on-One Person who is God all by Himself; Jesus Christ is Melchizedek; Jesus Christ is the only true God; Apart from Jesus Christ there is no other God. These presented facts were also proved to be spiritually true.
The Mystery of Incarnation Visits from Heaven to Earth
There is the Important Need for you to Accuratey Define your Religion

There is the Important Need for you to Accuratey Define your Religion

By: Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: It is important that you know your religious practices as prescribed by your religion for the purpose of credibility. You join a religion to ensure that you worship the Almighty God who created everyone. There are so many religions all over the world, but not all of them worship the only true God. Many of the religions worship Satan without knowing that that is the case. One needs to be smart to decipher the cunningness of the devil and leave the religion that worships him. You must be able to define your religion with God-given wisdom, and not by brainwashers who control false satanic religions. Worship of the Almighty God who is the only true God is a personal decision. You are to do it by yourself. This book has presented key features of a true religion that will enable you to accurately define your religion.

What is the Status of your Religion?

By: Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: The book has explored true and false religions. The status of your religion determines the credibility of your person. Basically, there are two types of religions – true religion and false religion. It is important that you wisely choose your religion to ensure that you do not stray away due to the deceitful strategies of the devil. The devil deceived Adam and Eve and he is not done with deceiving people. We thank God for coming to earth as a visible God known as Jesus Christ who saved us from sin. Jesus Christ – the only true God has returned to heaven, and He will be coming back to earth soon. You must be ready for His return to earth by ensuring that the status of your religion is good.
What is the Status of your Religion?
Encouragement, Strength, and Victory in Christ

Encouragement, Strength, and Victory in Christ

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Encouragement, Strength, and Victory in Christ has been spiritually assembled to always guide you into the throne of grace of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ. This means that any time you use its contents, you will have the impartation of the spirituality that gives you encouragement, strength, and victory in Christ. Interestingly, you will be able to have a better understanding of your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Its presentation of aspects problem-solving are tools that generate inadvertent breakthroughs in life situations. The contents will always take you in the direction of life fulfillment in Christ.

Young Unmarried Women’s Route for Getting Good Husbands

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: : It has been determined that some women create the problem of absence of good men sincerely coming to them for marriage. The devil gets some women entrapped by their own attitudes. Suggestions have been presented on how to come out of satanic entrapment. You will see how the way is cleared of obstacles and marriage is achieved. In spousal search, some men just want to have sex with you and dump you. Some men who will strongly pretend that they love you would create the impression that they wish to have you as wife. A man may do everything possible to win your heart. When he wins your heart, he forces you to bed and successfully sexes you. He will continue to have sex with you. You will hope that you have found a potential husband. The man may not have even a little thought in him that he would marry you. You cannot do it yourself. Only God can give you a good husband. You must undertake fasting and prayers to commit your desire for a good husband to God. Learn more from the presentations in this book.
Young Unmarried Women’s Route for Getting Good Husbands
Spiritual Approach to Body-weight Control

Spiritual Approach to Body-weight Control

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: Body weight control has become one of the engaged areas of human function. People are gaining weight so much that an exploration of easy ways for weight reduction has gained momentum. Weight is easy to acquire, but a reduction of weight is not easy to achieve. This book has illuminated causes of body weight increase and has presented immensely helpful accelerated processes of confronting it. The insight is that you should be determined to start early to do what you should do to control your body weight. It is all about controlling the quantity of food consumption, quality/type of food, frequency of food consumption, utilization of exercise regimes, surgery, and fasting. It emphasizes the need for you to stop complaining of your high body weight; do something about it to stem the tide of increase in your body weight. Confront your big body weight without procrastinating. Take possession of your possession and you will begin to look good after weight reduction. Read through this helpful book and begin to respond to the presented methods of effective body weight control.

*An Open Letter to all Who are Struggling to Know the Only True God

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: God is the Father of every one of us. He alone should be worshiped by us. People are being deceived by Satan to worship him and his demons. You should therefore be careful because, nothing good comes from Satan and satanic worshipers. There is only one God and people are struggling to know that one true God. This book systematically presents documented and proved facts on the only true God.
Praying The Names of God

Praying The Names of God

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: The Names of God are all about God, just as God is all about His Names. God is God all by Himself. You cannot call on God without referencing His Name. Victory and breakthroughs in your situations can only be achieved when you pray – calling on the Name of God. Praying the Names of God alerts you on the fact that the Name of God is a strong fortress; the righteous run to Him and are safe. If you do not know the Names of God, how can you call on Him in the day of trouble? This book makes it possible for you to prayerfully appreciate The Almighty God in His Names and give Him all glory, respect, and honor. Jesus owns the Names because, He is the only true God.

Jesus Christ and The Power in His Name and Blood

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: Jesus Christ came and gave us the understanding that we can know Him as the True God. We now live in fellowship with Jesus Christ who is the True God. The blood of Jesus is central, not only to our salvation but also for sustaining meaningful life here on earth. It is the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses and makes it possible for our body to become the temple of the Holy Spirit. The life, which the blood of Jesus gives to His believers is so abundant that it satisfies the needs of the present life and launches us into everlasting life with Him. Every knee must bow at the Name of Jesus. The Name of our Savior Jesus Christ is a fortified tower; the righteous run to Him and are safe. Many people in the present world are wasting their lives worshiping false gods – demons. To be covered by the blood of Jesus is to be hidden in our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ our LORD we live and move and have our being.
The Power In His Name And Blood
Abortion Debate And Issues Involved

Abortion Debate and Issues Involved

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: The abortion debate has been so heated up that people do not even know what some others are talking about. Politicians have won or lost elections in their constituencies supporting or rejecting abortion rights of women. In the various countries of the world, one side of the debate claims to be pro-life, while the other side of the debate supports the right of women to choose. The pro-life group does not support the right of women to choose because, according to them, such a stance would give room for the practice of abortion. The argument of the pro-life group in support of its stance is strongly connected to faith; and they believe that attempts to allow a freedom of choice nullifies any pro-life stance. Many are of the view that the unborn child should be given the opportunity to live just as we were given. It is well-known that most abortion is done by young girls who fornicate with reckless abandon. Some of these young people do not realize the implications of taking the lives of their unborn babies. They think it is cool to do so. When life of the woman is in danger, there is the need for the doctor to work to save the lives of both the mother and the baby.

The Mystery of God

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: The mystery of God is all about our faith in Jesus Christ. This means that the mystery of God is all about Jesus our Great God and Savior. In the mystery of God, Jesus Christ represents everything about the Deity. World events are tied to the mystery of God. You cannot know all about what is happening in the world, and not even in your person. Virtually everything is a mystery. The Epiphany, when the Magi (Wise Men from the East visited Child Jesus and gave Him three gifts) is commemorated yearly on January 6. They left for home by another route. Herod was annoyed and ordered an insurrection-type of attack; he killed boys two years old and under. Joseph escaped to Egypt with Child Jesus and His mother. The insurrection in Washington DC, USA, happened on January 6. Elected officials escaped and later returned to do their job. Jesus and His parents returned from Egypt after the death of Herod. Child Jesus is the Immanuel (God is with us); Jesus is the Almighty Father; He is the Prince of Peace. When you have Jesus, you have everything because, Jesus is the only true God. The comprehensive nature of the mystery of God has been presented for your embrace of it for honorable fellowship with Jesus Christ – the only true God.
The Mystery Of God
The Doctrine Of Trinity

The Doctrine of Trinity Was Not Necessary at The End of The Incarnation

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: The doctrine of Trinity has been examined on its presentation of the Deity in the post-incarnation period. At the end of the incarnation, Jesus returned to Heaven as the only true God. During the incarnation period, people were baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. At the end of the incarnation, Apostle Peter said that people should be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. The book illuminated the fact that during the period of incarnation, Jesus was the visible image of the invisible God. To see Jesus is to see God.

Confronting Demonic-Voodoo Attacks

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: People of God are besieged in various ways by Satan in his attempts to steal, kill, and destroy them. It is like a vast army attacking the people of God. Satan promotes his evil plans by employing demonic-voodoo practitioners who lead people astray with their false security. Don’t trust them and don’t consult them. Have nothing to do with them. They will attack you and cause you serious harm. Sometimes people are suffering in silence, not realizing that their bad conditions are generated by forces of evil and of darkness. You go to the hospital and spend much of your money for medical treatment and find out that your condition gets worse instead of getting better; laboratory tests may reveal normal status for all organs and tissues of the body, despite the experience of excruciating pains all over your body; you begin to ask questions ~ what in the world is happening to me? Demonic-voodoo practitioners should be confronted head-on and driven to their place of doom in hell fire along with Satan, their master. This book exposes the tricks of demonic-voodoo practitioners and guides you into a faith-based confrontation of their attacks. Don’t allow fear to creep in; resist them with the Name and blood of Jesus Christ, using the whole armor of God in Christ Jesus.
Confronting Demonic-Voodoo Attacks
Roman Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church Should Confront Sexual Abuse By Priests

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: Sexual abuse by Roman Catholic Church priests has lasted too long and needs to be confronted. Coverup by Roman Catholic Church authorities has even worsened sexual abuse by priests. While millions of dollars have been paid by the Roman Catholic Church to settle cases, the church has continued to move sexual abuse priests from parish to parish instead of confronting the problem head-on. The Vatican should work on allowing freedom of choice in the marital status of Roman Catholic priests.

Family Love and Spousal Equality

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: This book has carefully described the love-centeredness of marriage and family. Love is an attribute of God that He generously gives to His children to make them enjoy life in all settings they may find themselves. When you imprison the love God has given to you, you cause yourself great harm; you lose inner peace; you create a state of war within your very person when you fail to express love. It is the inability of spouses to express love, that destabilizes their marital relationship and family. When it comes to comparing spouses in relation to equality, there is no basis for comparison; Christ is in every child of God, both man and woman. Jesus said that we are all equal as brothers and sisters. You will understand that a true and successful marriage is characterized by love and mutual respect between husband and wife. The book defines Divorce and Disassociation as the two types of spousal separation, that are respectively, unacceptable, and acceptable.
Family Love And Spousal Equality
he Winning Power Of Knowing And Doing The Will Of God

This is The Victory - The Winning Power of Knowing and Doing The Will of God

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: This book highlights the sources of life battles and how God fights for those who put their trust in Him. People put in a lot of serious personal effort to transcend the storms of life, but because of the misplacement of priorities in life, personal efforts are not able to yield good results. Apart from Jesus Christ we can do nothing. The principle of victory is to know the will of God and do it; you first seek the counsel of the Lord to know the will of God. You seek divine guidance before you can begin to deal with the trials you are facing. Plans fail for lack of wise counsel. God Himself has noted that people perish because they lack knowledge of His Word. The Word of God is the will of God. Prayer and a sound knowledge of the Word of God will provide the most important weapons of warfare that would ensure victory. Whenever a trial situation occurs or you begin to sense that it is around the corner, acknowledge that you cannot resolve it yourself. Only God can resolve it. Put all your trust in the LORD; take your position and become a winner.

Could Melchizedek be Jesus Christ?

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: The book explored the biblical Melchizedek who was a priest of God. He was known as king of justice and king of peace. He had no parents and no ancestors. Melchizedek is a priest who lives forever. He blessed Abram (Abraham) who gave him the tithe of the goods he recovered from enemy forces who captured his nephew Lot and his belongings. The Holy Bible has it that Jesus Christ is a priest in the order of Melchizedek. Implicitly, Melchizedek was a very important name that needs exploration to determine his divine features and his connection with our Savior Jesus Christ. The indication is that Melchizedek was another divine incarnation or a mystery of God that may be Jesus Christ.
Could Melchizedek be Jesus Christ?
Evangelism Revisited In The Now

Evangelism Revisited in The Now

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: The changing face of evangelism is presented. We still have a long way to go in evangelizing the world. Many people are still living without the knowledge of the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Stop their journey to hell fire with evangelism. Satan is causing unbelievers to remain all life without Jesus. People are streaming into hell fire in large numbers. Stop their journey to hell fire and redirect them to eternal life with Jesus. Be prepared to go for evangelism, whether the time is favorable or not. Realize that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. We are Christ’s ambassadors. Time is running out for all of us. People need to be told about Jesus and His saving power before they can accept Him as the Lord of their life. How could they believe if no one preaches to them? Get in the game now and evangelize because, Jesus has commissioned all of us to preach the Good News to everyone.

Song Prophecy is a Gift of The Holy Spirit

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: Have you ever dreamed of a song at night and then have heard it the next day or had a vision of the song number in a familiar hymn book? The Lord is giving you a Divine message through the spiritual gift of Song Prophecy. It is one of God’s ways of communicating His love and His will to His children. Song Prophecy can be traced back to early biblical time. Song Prophecy and other gifts of the Holy Spirit provide instruction for deepening our relationship with God. Song Prophecy will help you to know God’s will, as it illuminates the Godly Way.
Song Prophecy is a Gift of The Holy Spirit
American Freedom Defines Americans

American Freedom Defines Americans

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: The book illuminates the definition of America and Americans by the American freedom. It identifies the Jubilee of the American freedom, and the hard work done by the founding fathers based on “In God We Trust.” The contributions of some Americans, such as President James Madison and President Abraham Lincoln to the emergence of the American freedom are highlighted. The overall understanding is that the American freedom is not a one-man show; all Americans are involved as a daily routine in its sustenance. It is all about American exceptionalism that is generated by freedom. The book illuminates a better understanding of the fact that freedom is an indispensable part of American life – as it defines every American.

Supremacy of The Blood of Jesus

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: This book has a mystery background, derived from a divine revelation of the Hematology Department of a Hospital. The details of the revelation are described in this book. The healing power of the Blood of Jesus was gloriously made manifest in such a mysterious way that, by merely reaching the customer service location of the Hematology Department, your healing is already complete; it did not matter the type of sickness or how serious it was. The implication of the revelation is that the blood of Jesus Christ provides healing for all disease conditions.
Supremacy Of The Blood Of Jesus
Loving and Faithful Believers at Birth, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Loving and Faithful Believers at Birth, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: Presented, is an exploration of the significance of having a Joseph (of Nazareth) in the beginning of the life of Jesus, and a Joseph (of Arimathea) at the end of the earthly life of Jesus. An attempt was also made to examine the presence of a Mary (of Nazareth) and Mary (of Magdala) at the beginning and end – respectively, of the salvation story. Joseph the carpenter, and the Virgin Mary were the parents of Jesus; their roles at the birth of Jesus Christ are important in our salvation. Joseph and the Virgin Mary were from the town of Nazareth. Joseph of Arimathea, and Mary Magdalene, played important roles – mostly at the death of Jesus. Mary and Martha, the siblings of Lazarus, also impacted the salvation story in specific ways. In the salvation story, as in the rest of our Christian journey, nothing happens by chance. God places things in their place as part of divine course of events. In the salvation story, there are events, persons involved in the events, and the timeline through which events occurred; these have been perfectly put in place by God in order that Jesus will do the work of the Father and finish it. The book affirms that the Josephs and Marys at the Birth, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus, were loving and faithful believers in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.

An Illumination of The Importance of Women

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: Women are talented in calming down situations that would otherwise be hostile. Women are safety valves in a family and in the society; ignoring women and their role will always hurt the husband and the society in general. No person is perfect, not even the woman, but when a husband and his wife work together in mutual respect, problems are easily solved. Rebellion is caused by a lack of self-control and failure to draw upon resources provided by God for coming to our senses. God said that it is not good for a man to be alone. A man needs support for meaningful existence, and life fulfillment. That was why God created the woman to help the man to be what God has purposed for his life. Many people fail to realize the fact that women are very important in all aspects of life in the world. Without women in the family, life would be very uncomfortable; the absence of mom, grandma, sister etc. would create a no-home. The absence of women in any church will almost spell the death of that church. A government that ignores the role of women would almost be a no-government. In education, women represent the effective first responders who prepare the kids effectively for success in learning and in character. Women put things together to promote cordial relationship and life fulfillment.
An Illumination of The Importance of Women
The Spirituality Of Killing American Children

The Spirituality of Killing American Children

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: American children are being killed frequently – especially at school. The killing has become so frequent despite efforts to stem the tide. In fact, the killing has become so mysterious that an exploration of its spirituality has been illuminated in this book. Some of the major killings have been examined. Without tampering with the Second Amendment of the American Constitution, suggestions have been made on how to effectively stop the killing of American children. The exploration of the spiritual connection of the perpetrators will be helpful in a better understanding of the mess being caused in the society by the killing of American children

Jesus Christ is The Only True God

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: It is troubling that many people in the world today are lacking a sound knowledge of who God is. It is important that every one of us knows God, so that Satan does not take advantage of us. There is only one God who created all of us. The lack of a proper knowledge of Him has resulted in a multiplicity of religions in the world. Jesus Christ the Son of God came and gave us the understanding that we can know Him as the True God. We now live in fellowship with Jesus Christ who is the True God. The fact that we live in fellowship with Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to understand that He is the True God. It does not matter what religion you claim to belong to; there is only one True God; His name is Jesus Christ. God is invisible. To solve the problem of the invisibility of God, He came in a visible human form to the world He created. Therefore, Jesus Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. Jesus Christ existed before anything in the universe was created. He is therefore, supreme over everything He created. Apart from Jesus Christ who is Himself God, there is no other God.
Sword of The Spirit Bible Study

Sword of The Spirit Bible Study

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: Knowledge of God is best obtained from a study of the Word of God. The Word of God is the mind of God; it is the will of God. The Word of God is God Himself. If you do not know the Word of God, how on earth will you know the will of God? Sword of the Spirit Bible Study will help you to keep pace with the needs of our Christian race for eternal life with Jesus Christ. We are already in the Messianic Kingdom, and the Kingdom is growing to a full realization. Sword of the Spirit Bible Study is a gift to the seriously minded in our Christian race. You ought to keep pace with the present violence that is being experienced in the Kingdom. You must know the Word of God, to have the courage to take the Kingdom of God with the strong in the LORD. Churches, other fellowships–in, and outside educational institutions etc. will enjoy the spiritual enrichment, and time-saving features of the Sword of the Spirit Bible Study. It directs participants to the subject of study, without allowing any chance for digression and unnecessary waste of time. Sword of the Spirit Bible Study is all about Jesus Christ – the only true God in the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible.

Understanding and Navigating Situations in Your Life

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: The book illuminates the fact that life is full of events that need understanding to be able to appropriately navigate each event. It presents the way to go to avoid being stagnated in frustration. It reveals that there is usually the right way to deal with every situation to achieve peaceful satisfaction. You must not allow your flesh to react without control in any situation. You’ve got to do it right, otherwise sadness could drive you into brokenness. You have got to rise to the occasion in every situation and let God be God. You must be intentional is seeking divine intention because, the battle should not be yours but the Lord’s. Determine the Godly way in every situation and walk in it as a guarantee for victory and breakthrough. God is able. Have faith, Jesus will show-up in your situation and He will deliver you from the storms of life.
Navigating Situations
Who Hold Fast Their Testimony About Jesus Christ

The Dragon Declared War Against Those Who Hold Fast Their Testimony About Jesus Christ

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: When God was incarnating Himself to come to earth to deliver people from sin, there was a serious dragon obstacle to the salvation of sinners. The Virgin Mary who was the vessel of honor through whom the process of incarnation was taking place by the power of the Holy Spirit was under attack by the dragon. In fact, the dragon declared war on the Virgin Mary, on her Holy Child who became the visible incarnated God, and on those who keep the commandments of God and maintain their testimony about Jesus. The hatred of the dragon against Christians and the Church has resulted in the dragon declaring war against them. The attack of the dragon and his fake religions leads them to hell fire, while the attacked Christians joyfully enter the Kingdom of God.

Treatment of Women in The Society

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: It is well-known that for too long, the status of women has been negatively impacted by male chauvinism. In fact, much of the problems faced by women in almost every society are related in some way to male chauvinism, which is usually misogynistic. Despite civilization, some countries have not allowed a woman to be president or prime minister. They erroneously consider women incapable of holding such positions. Many people fail to realize the fact that women are very important in all aspects of life in the world. Without women in the family, life would be very uncomfortable. Asking women to cover their faces, while men expose their faces, is a tradition that is unfair to women. It is injustice against women; it is synonymous with sexual profiling. The misconception might be that women can fall for anything, while men are resistant to sexual advances. The Virgin Mary and many other women were virgins who lived holy lives and never covered their faces.
Treatment Of Women In The Society
Grace Of God Successful Management Of Diabetes

Grace of God Successful Management of Diabetes

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
ABSTRACT: Diabetes is a health condition caused by excess blood sugar. It is generally controlled by a reduction in blood sugar level with diabetes drugs. There is always fear of the unknown due to inadvertent pathologic rise in blood sugar level. The fearful consequence of diabetes is possible damage of body tissues and organs. There is nothing anyone can do about it than to engage in frequent measurement of blood sugar level, and consumption of diabetes drugs with many side-effects. The Grace of God Successful Management of Diabetes, presented in this book makes diabetes management much easier; you don’t even have to worry about measuring blood sugar level always because, you are good.

Hold Tightly to Your Holy Bible and Your Problems Will Be Solved

By: Rev. Dr. Sunday T. Eke-Okoro
Abstract: Hold tightly to your Holy Bible and draw upon it always to live the good and successful life you deserve. Satan wants to take away the Holy Bible from you. He does not want you to get your problems solved. He gets you to read the Bible from iPads, phones, laptops etc.; those are not the Holy Bible. The Holy Spirit does not function in the technology-generated Bible. There is the need for you to hold tightly to your Holy Bible and not let go; this need has been presented as a very important aspect of the spirituality of problem-solving and breakthroughs.
Hold Tightly to Your Holy Bible and Your Problems Will Be Solved