St. Mark's Department
St. Mark's Department

Acts Chapter 1 – Chapter 28
- Jesus said that the time promised by God has at last come. He informs us that the Kingdom of God is near and that we should all repent of our sins and believe the Gospel of Christ. (Mark 1:15).
- Our Savior Jesus Christ called on His disciples (us) to come to Him and follow Him, and He would show them (us) how to fish for people. His disciples (we) left their (our) nets at once and followed Him. (Mark 1:17-18).
- Be informed that before daybreak our Lord Jesus Christ got up and went to an isolated place to pray. Simon Peter and the other disciples went out in search of Jesus. They found Jesus and reported that everyone was looking for Him. Jesus remarked that they must also go to other towns so that He would preach to them because, that was why He came. Jesus, therefore, traveled throughout the province of Galilee, preaching in the synagogues, and performing miracles. (Mark 1:35-39).
- A man sick with leprosy came to Jesus and knelt in front of Him, requesting that if Jesus was willing, He should heal him and make him clean; Jesus healed him; and the man went and spread the Good News to everyone that Jesus had healed him. As a result of his message, large crowds surrounded Jesus and people from everywhere kept coming to Him. (Mark 1:40, 45).
- People who are healthy do not need a doctor, however, sick people need a doctor. Jesus said that He did not come to call those who consider themselves righteous, but He came for those who know that they are sinners. (Mark 2:17).
- Jesus went up on a mountain and called the individuals He wanted to go on outreach with Him. They responded to His call and followed Him. Jesus appointed twelve of them who were to accompany Him, and He called them His apostles. Jesus would send the called to go everywhere and preach the Gospel of Christ, and He would equip them with the authority to cast out demons. (Mark 3:13-15).
- When you preach the Gospel of Christ you resemble a farmer who plants seed. (Mark 4:14).
- Jesus Christ healed a demon-possessed man; Jesus drove the legion of demons into a herd of pigs, which ran into a lake where they drowned. The herdsmen fled to the nearby town and the surrounding countryside, spreading the news as they ran. People rushed out to see what had happened. A crowd soon gathered and saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons sitting down, fully clothed, and perfectly sane, and they were afraid. Then those who had seen what happened reported about the demon-possessed man and the pigs. The crowd pleaded with Jesus to go away and leave them alone. As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon possessed begged to travel with Him. But Jesus refused and asked him to go home to his family and tell them everything the Lord had done for him and how merciful He had been. The man started off visiting the TEN TOWNS of that province and began to proclaim the great things Jesus had done for him. Everyone was amazed at what he told them Jesus did for him. (Mark 5:14-20).
- Jesus went from one village to another, teaching the Word of God to the people. He called His twelve disciples together and sent them out two by two, giving them the authority to cast out evil spirits. His disciples went out, telling everyone to repent of their sins and turn to God. They also cast out many demons and healed many sick people. (Mark 6:6-7,12-13).
- The apostles returned to Jesus from their outreach and reported to Him about their outreach. Then Jesus said that they should go off with Him to a quiet place and rest for a while. This was because there were so many people coming and going such that Jesus and His apostles did not even have time to eat. Jesus and His disciples left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone. However, many people recognized them and saw them when they were leaving. Many people from many towns ran ahead of them along the shore and got there before them. When Jesus saw the large crowd as He stepped out from the boat, He had compassion on them because, the people in the crowd were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus began teaching them the Word of God. (Mark 6:30-34).
- A deaf man with a speech impediment was brought to Jesus; the people begged Jesus to heal him. Jesus led the deaf man away from the crowd so they could be alone. Jesus put His fingers into the ears of the man. Then, spat on His own fingers, touched the man’s tongue, and looking up to heaven, Jesus sighed and said, Ephphatha (Be opened). Instantly the deaf man could hear perfectly and could also speak plainly. Jesus advised the crowd not to tell anyone, but the more He told them not to, the more they spread the Good News. They were completely amazed and repeatedly said that everything Jesus does is wonderful and that He even makes the deaf to hear and gives speech to those who cannot speak. (Mark 7:32-37).
- Jesus called on the crowd to join His disciples and remarked that anyone who wants to be His follower must give up his/her own way, take up his/her cross, and follow Him. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. However, if you give up your life for Jesus’ sake and for the sake of the Gospel of Christ, you will save it. There is no benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul. Nothing is worth more than your soul. If anyone is ashamed of Jesus and His message in these adulterous and sinful days, Jesus will be ashamed of that person when He returns. (Mark 8:34-38).
- When Jesus and His disciples approached Jerusalem, they came to Bethphage and Bethany on the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two of His disciples on ahead and told them to go into a nearby village where on entry they would see a young donkey tied there that no one had ever ridden. Jesus told the two disciples to untie the donkey and bring it to Him. If anyone asked them what they were doing, they should inform that Jesus needs the donkey and would return it soon. The two disciples went to the village and found the donkey standing in the street and tied outside the front door. As they were untying the donkey, some bystanders asked them what they were doing, untying the donkey. They responded the way Jesus had told them to and were permitted to take the donkey. They brought the donkey to Jesus and threw their garments over it, and Jesus sat on it. Many in the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of Jesus, and others spread leafy branches. Jesus was at the center of the procession, and the people around Him were all shouting, Praise to God and Blessings on Jesus Christ who comes in the Name of the LORD. (Mark 11:1-10).
- Jesus said that we should go into all the world and preach the Word of God to everyone; anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved, but anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. Miraculous signs will accompany those who believe, such that they will cast out demons in the Name of Jesus, and they will speak in new languages. Believers will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed. When the Lord Jesus had finished speaking to them, He was taken up into heaven where He sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand. And His disciples went everywhere and preached the Gospel of Christ; and the Lord worked through them, confirming their Gospel message with many miraculous signs. (Mark 16:15-20).
Review Questions
- Discuss Evangelism in healing of the sick in the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Mark.
- Explain the evangelistic implication of untying the donkey and bringing it to Jesus.
- How does Mark 8:34-38 impact Evangelists and other disciples of Jesus in relation to the challenges of life?
- Explain the significance of Mark 1:17-18 in our call to the Evangelism ministry.
- With reference to Mark 16:15-20, we are given the power to perform miracles during outreach; do you always have to perform miracles whenever you evangelize?
- Illuminate the Evangelism messages you identify in the Gospel of Mark. The disciples of Jesus left their nets and followed Him in Mark 1:17-18. Metaphorically, what are people’s nets?
- Review evidence in the Gospel of Mark that inform us that Jesus Christ was the Greatest Evangelist ever.